September 8, 2011

Chi Balls (AKA Energy Orbs, Chi Balls, etc.) - The Funnest Way to Energy Sensation

(As you read this post, try to do what I guide you through. Thank you!)

Rub your hands together. Feel the heat. Feel the friction in the you sense energy? Yes? No? Doesn't matter, just keep on rubbing until you feel you've generated enough heat and warmth. This should take a few seconds or so.

Next, hold your hands an inch apart, palms flat, facing each other. Visualize radiant energy from two hands, feel it, the warmth, see it. Close your eyes after reading this sentence, and while doing so, imagine energy coming from your third eye into your Chi Ball between your palms with each exhale, and energy replenishing your third eye with every inhale. Tell your energy to expand and move, see it move into an orb and see it push your hands apart.

This may take some time, but you may feel your hands slowly being pushed apart, if you don't continue directing your energy, visualizing and feeling, to do so, until you have a good blob of energy around five or six inches. You can do more if you want, but I recommend half of a foot as you don't want to waste too much of your energy.

You'll feel one of three sensations: energy pushing away your hands, energy attracting your hands, or just plain energy if you don't have any magnetic sensations. Do feel each three, visualize and direct one of your hands to be negative, the other positive, directing energy to "attract" and pull together, usually your dominant hand is the positive side, and your receptive (non-dominant) hand is the negative side. To feel pushing, imagine both of your hands as the same type of energy, both negative or positive, and direct energy to push at each other. Feels funny, right? If you don't feel the energy, continue visualization and the third eye method of directing it between your palms.

Once you have the ball of energy fully placed into your hands, firmly visualizing and feeling and sensing, you can either send it out or send it back in. You can infuse the ball with any emotion or type of energy: healing, love, and hope are all three that are recommended, nothing negative. To do so, visualize that type of energy and any keywords or images infusing with your energy ball, but remember, it's your intent that gives it its true purpose, so make sure your intent is not negative.

Then you can send it out, (grounding to the Earth, visualize it being sent to a plant, an object you're charming, a person, or a location), or you can send it inside of yourself. To do that, visualize a lined pathway guiding your energy ball to its intended location and feel and visualize the energy leaving you and making its way there. You can also push it back into your body through any area, preferably any damaged areas of your body or any chakras using the same way. Push your hands together again to see if any energy remains.

When finished, make sure to ground and replenish the energy you lost, or eat something full of protein and nutrients to gain that energy back.

Have fun energy-sensing! And note that this is a fun way to do anything involved with energy, charming, spells, healing, sending messages and feelings, etc.

If you're feeling down, infuse your ball with healing and positive emotions and energies and send it back to yourself! It's extraordinarily easy and fun. The possibilities are endless.

August 17, 2011

Conversational Meditating: Having Talks with Yourself, your Inner God/ess, and your Subconscious!

Want to "talk" to yourself? Your inner God and Goddess, or any deity you believe within? Your subconscious? Try these exercises through meditation or just plain deep thinking, and "connect" with yourself through conversations that you can have in your mind-these exercises are extremely helpful and beneficial to your mind, body, and most importantly, spirit. 

Exercise 1: Talking to your inner God or Goddes, or any deity within

Imagine any setting you want, the point is it has to be comfortable to you and only you. This setting can by anything, a forest, a city, even your own bedroom! If I were you, I would do a setting in nature, as nature embodies tranquility and purity and helps you connect with the Earth. The most beneficial (and evocative to us Wiccans) would be to imagine a forest with a lake and a full moon shining overhead in the dark. Imagine a road appearing in this forest or whatever place you are visualizing. Follow the road, sense everything: every touch, scent, vibration, feeling, imagine, taste, all of your senses; including your intuition/sixth sense! Feel this world envelop you in its dreamy vividness, and finally, conjure an ending to the road. In my visualizations, I usually imagine the road rising up from the middle of the lake and taking me through a moonlight walk to the beach, where something is waiting...

The ending to the road should be a scene resembling the surroundings of any deity you want to talk to. Conjure/visualize the God or Goddess if you're Wiccan, Buddha, Christ, anybody you want to talk to. Imagine this deity doing anything that reminds you of he or she, for me I would do the God and Goddess dancing, or both of them sitting down. When you're ready, face them. Have them acknowledge your presence, and acknowledge theirs as well. Sit down with them or get into a position where you can talk to them, and be ready to ask your question. A sample question which is really good would be:

"How can I make my life most optimal for me, with harm to none and free will to all?" 

Then visualize your inner God or Goddess or deity giving you a loving, warm answer. This can be done for spiritual holidays such as Mabon, and I always do it for every Sabbat. I've known people from all religions to do this to give thanks to whom they worship. I mainly do this for asking guidance from the Divine.

Seems simply, doesn't it? Let's move on to the next exercise.

August 5, 2011

A Basic Guide to Using your Pendulum

If you're reading this, you probably have a pendulum or are thinking of making one--which is fine (and awesome). This is a simple post designed to let you know how to properly, and safely, use a pendulum, one of the most popular dowsing and divination tools. Pendulums are fairly simple to make and can be made from anything--I even have a friend who uses teabags whens she doesn't have her pendulum on hand! You can try at first by using a button on a string, which is a step up from using teabags. It's most important to learn to make your own pendulums, because once you do you've transferred your own energy and have made your already-compatible pendulum.

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Step 1: Cleansing your Pendulum

There are many ways to cleanse your object, or anything in that matter. The goal is to remove all forms of negative energy, therefore "cleaning" whatever it is you're cleansing. Here are some methods that I usually do combined and in succession when I cleanse my pendulum and other spiritual tools:

A - Prayer/Blessing. Usually, I'll say a prayer and blessing much like "I call my spirit guides, angels, protectors, Goddess and God, all Divine--please remove and cleanse all negative energy from my pendulum that I hold, and let it only tell the accurate truth as all evil is removed from my pendulum, myself, and the space around me." Now, you don't have to call up the beings I listed, just whatever you find is your God or whatever you worship. You don't even have to believe in a god! If you don't, just call up the universe. However, it is important to believe that it will work--power comes in the form of thought. I usually do this while doing B at the same time...

B - Meditation/Visualization. Calm your mind. Hold your pendulum in your hand. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for about a minute. Let your mind clear. Now, imagine good clean energy (which you can visualize as white, sometimes green) entering your third eye located on top of your nose and between your eyebrows with every inhale. Now, imagine bad energy (red or black) exiting your third eye and being "burned" by a violet flame that surrounds your third eye, turning into good energy. Now, imagine that all the positive and good energy is surrounding the pendulum cupped with your hands, again a violet flame "burning" away the negative energy and turning it into positive energy. I would do this for around five minutes with clear intent. It's important to really believe that it works, because power comes in the form of thought (as I said earlier).

C - Smudging/Incense. Ooh, this is a really good (and smelly) way to cleanse just about anything. Light some incense or smudge stick and pass your pendulum through the smoke several times in all area--visualize the pendulum being cleansed and charged. A good smudge stick that cleanses, removes negativity and negative spirits, and that comes for a good price, can be found here

D - Moonlight/Daylight (sun and moon). It's always best to use moonlight when cleansing, preferably a full moon. Never do it on waning or before a new moon, or worse, on the new moon itself. That is when dark energy is abundantly present. Just let your pendulum or object of any kind cleanse in the full moonlight (doing it on a windowsill will sort of weaken the moonlight), and by the morning it should be cleansed. Then leave it in sunlight for a couple of hours to have a newly charged pendulum.