August 5, 2011

A Basic Guide to Using your Pendulum

If you're reading this, you probably have a pendulum or are thinking of making one--which is fine (and awesome). This is a simple post designed to let you know how to properly, and safely, use a pendulum, one of the most popular dowsing and divination tools. Pendulums are fairly simple to make and can be made from anything--I even have a friend who uses teabags whens she doesn't have her pendulum on hand! You can try at first by using a button on a string, which is a step up from using teabags. It's most important to learn to make your own pendulums, because once you do you've transferred your own energy and have made your already-compatible pendulum.

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Step 1: Cleansing your Pendulum

There are many ways to cleanse your object, or anything in that matter. The goal is to remove all forms of negative energy, therefore "cleaning" whatever it is you're cleansing. Here are some methods that I usually do combined and in succession when I cleanse my pendulum and other spiritual tools:

A - Prayer/Blessing. Usually, I'll say a prayer and blessing much like "I call my spirit guides, angels, protectors, Goddess and God, all Divine--please remove and cleanse all negative energy from my pendulum that I hold, and let it only tell the accurate truth as all evil is removed from my pendulum, myself, and the space around me." Now, you don't have to call up the beings I listed, just whatever you find is your God or whatever you worship. You don't even have to believe in a god! If you don't, just call up the universe. However, it is important to believe that it will work--power comes in the form of thought. I usually do this while doing B at the same time...

B - Meditation/Visualization. Calm your mind. Hold your pendulum in your hand. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for about a minute. Let your mind clear. Now, imagine good clean energy (which you can visualize as white, sometimes green) entering your third eye located on top of your nose and between your eyebrows with every inhale. Now, imagine bad energy (red or black) exiting your third eye and being "burned" by a violet flame that surrounds your third eye, turning into good energy. Now, imagine that all the positive and good energy is surrounding the pendulum cupped with your hands, again a violet flame "burning" away the negative energy and turning it into positive energy. I would do this for around five minutes with clear intent. It's important to really believe that it works, because power comes in the form of thought (as I said earlier).

C - Smudging/Incense. Ooh, this is a really good (and smelly) way to cleanse just about anything. Light some incense or smudge stick and pass your pendulum through the smoke several times in all area--visualize the pendulum being cleansed and charged. A good smudge stick that cleanses, removes negativity and negative spirits, and that comes for a good price, can be found here

D - Moonlight/Daylight (sun and moon). It's always best to use moonlight when cleansing, preferably a full moon. Never do it on waning or before a new moon, or worse, on the new moon itself. That is when dark energy is abundantly present. Just let your pendulum or object of any kind cleanse in the full moonlight (doing it on a windowsill will sort of weaken the moonlight), and by the morning it should be cleansed. Then leave it in sunlight for a couple of hours to have a newly charged pendulum.

Step 2: Setting Your Directions (A.K.A. "Programming" or "Calibrating")

Yes - Usually, a yes will go back and forth or clockwise. Ask your pendulum clearly with the intention in your mind: "Pendulum, please show me your sign for yes or agreement." If it doesn't work, ask again and wait. Sometimes you will have to will it, or rarely, you will have to spin it/move it in the direction you want the yes to "demonstrate". If you already know your "yes" answer, demonstrate to the pendulum, let your pendulum be still again, and tell it to do a "yes" once more.

Repeat the same process with all answers: Yes, No, Maybe, Not Meant To Be Asked,  Needs more Information, and Clearing.  You don't have to do the Maybe sign, but it's recommended. 

My pendulum moves back and forth for Yes, side to side for No, bottom left to top right diagonally for Maybe, bottom right to top left diagonally for Not Meant To Be Asked, clockwise for More Information Needed, and counterclockwise for Clearing.  

You can even set "levels" on your pendulum! I have my pendulums do this. Tell your pendulums to do three different levels for answers: a small one (usually an inch) for a slight answer that can easily change, a medium circle  (usually two to three inches) for a medium answer, and a large swing for a definite answer that cannot be changed. Make sure you do this type of calibration often to "verify" with your pendulum, it's important.

Thank your pendulum by saying "Thank you pendulum". 

Step 3: Getting Your Pendulum to Tell the Truth: No lies or negativity.

Begin by saying a prayer, most likely the prayer in Step 1. When you feel safe, move on.

Ask your pendulum clearly over NO piece of written paper, or preferably on the sidewalk:

"Pendulum, do you agree to tell the truth, and always the truth?" If your pendulum says anything other than Yes or stands still, keep on repeating until it does a Yes. Confirm this by saying "Pendulum, you agree to tell the truth and always the truth, correct?" You should get another yes.

Next, say:

"Pendulum, do you promise to seek answers from ONLY my higher self, and any positive energies?" You should get a yes, if not, keep repeating until you do. Then confirm by saying 

"Pendulum, will you seek answers from negative energies?" You should get a no, if not repeat. Then:

"Pendulum, will you seek answers from my conscious mind?" You should get a no, if not repeat. Then:

"Pendulum, will you seek answers from entities of lower vibrations?" You should get a no, if not, repeat.

Confirm all of the previous questions. Finally, ask this IMPORTANT question:

"Pendulum, do you agree to bring answers ONLY from the divine light, and ONLY from sources that are good and not negative, bad, harmful, or malicious in any way?" 

You should get a DEFINITE yes. If not, repeat all of the other questions and do this one again, then CONFIRM this one!

End by saying, "Thank you pendulum, I appreciate your cooperation and support."

Step 4: Asking questions (Read this!)

When asking questions...

Always begin with asking permission!

1) Tell your pendulum what you are asking.

2) Tell your pendulum the reason you are asking.
    -if you are asking about another person, you MUST be asking in order to HELP that person. Do not lie about this, and do not ask if you're just there to find information about a person.

3) Ask your pendulum: "Intention and reason considered, may I ask?" You should get a yes. If so, move on.

4) Ask your pendulum: "Intention and reason considered, can I ask?" You should get a yes. If so, move on.

5) Ask your pendulum: "Intention and reason considered, should I ask?" You should get a yes. 

6) Ask your pendulum: "Intention and reason considered, is it safe to ask?" You should get a yes. If so, ask your question.

Now, with simple questions and day-to-day wonderings about simple and non-private-at-all matters like "Which ice cream should I get?" You do not have to do this. However, if your question has significance about a person, the future, life-changing decisions, or important decisions or important questions of any kind, you HAVE to do the above process.


When asking questions, always begin with "All things considered." This is a tip taken from a teacher (Amy Scott Grant) on YouTube (who helps greatly, by the way). "All things considered" invites your higher self to look at all facts and reasons in order to get the best possible answer.

When asking questions that involve getting the best of decisions, always begin with "All things considered, is it most OPTIMAL..." then your question. This, also learned from the above lady on YouTube, will help you get the best out of your question as well.

When asking a question, be specific. 

Things not to ask:

"Is it okay?"
"Yes or no?"

Etc., simple questions. They don't begin with the "pendulum" greeting, they don't use specificity, often comprise of three words, they don't use "all things considered" or "is it most optimal?", and can apply to generally any thing, object, person, etc.

Things TO ask:

"Pendulum, all things considered, is it most optimal for me to buy the grated cheese in my left hand or the blue cheese in my right hand?" (Note how specific the question is! The user obviously points direction to objects in order to ensure maximum assurance, and uses "all things considered" as well as the word "optimal")

"Pendulum, all things considered, will it be most optimal to have my wedding day on the fourteenth of this March, year 2011 A.D.? or have my wedding day on the nineteenth of April, year 2011 A.D.?" (Again, another extremely specific question, that even puts the year into the question, which is what you should do for all date/event questions!)

Additional Tips

-Always cleanse your pendulum before and after use, especially and more thoroughly if other people touch it.

-Don't use the pendulum in crowded places where people might touch your or your pendulum, or bump into your pendulum or yourself.

-Don't use the pendulum with people touching you. This is called "transfer of energy" and will mess up your question.

-Be. Specific. Or. The. Question. Will. Not. Work.

-When contacting spirit guides or angels, always say a prayer and blessing, then ask the spirit or angel "Are you of the Divine Light?" "Will you promise to bring only good and positive energy, and NOT anything bad, harmful, malicious, or evil in any way?" And make sure to confirm every question you get with a spirit or angel. If it's not of the Divine Light or if you feel that the being is evil, do the clearing sign and pray again with more protection, this time adding that you request all negativity and evil to be removed from you, your pendulum, and the area around you. If you keep on getting negative vibes or answers in an area, then you should move away because the place you are in might be heavily haunted.

Thank you! :D

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  1. Wonderful guide! Really detailed :)

  2. With gratitude! Just used your steps to prepare and work with my newly purchased pendulum.


  3. What is anti clockwise clearing sign used for?

  4. This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much for clarity and guidance.

  5. I love this page very helpful...Thank you

  6. Am I able to contact gods and/or goddesses with this pendulum thing?

  7. Okay so do I have to ask these questions to my pendulum before I use it!? I want to talk to my companions that are bound to me and to make sure I get the right answers. My subconscious tend to get in the way and unwanted spirits try to intervene so I want to prevent that from happening . I’m glad I ran into this because I am so new at this and have been doing it wrong and without
    A prayer when working with my pension, yes I know. Bad idea lol.

  8. Hello and Thank you for the information. It was Very thorough, easy to follow and understand.
    My only question is how do you end? Some other things I've read just say to say, "Good-bye". What do you do?
    Thank you! Dena-Lynn 💝


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